Again I've found a wonderfully creative cover of a song that I otherwise hate!
Take a listen to School of Seven Bells covering Lil' Wayne's "How to Love''--
(Immediately passed on to at least 3 friends and downloaded onto my IPod (for free via Soundcloud:
I immediately and hit repeat!) Their album as a whole is lackluster, and what better way to gain press and attention than to do an inventive cover of a song almost everyone knows already? Taken right from my personal playbook:)
They are opening for Siversun Pickups Sept 21st at the Riv if you want to check them out!
Purity Ring's new album is of the same grain and I love it! Will definitely keep me occupied until the new xx's album comes out
Listen to it in it's entirety for free on NPR
Ever hear of Twin Shadow? I haven't before I saw a video on SKOA, he's on the Lolla bill this year too. Reminds me of Prince + a little bit of the Miami style sound
What do you think?
Tomorrow Ra Ra Riot is playing a show with Best Friends at Montrose Beach. I definitely want to check that out if I can.
Saturday is the ''Drive Soundtrack'' tour with College, Electric Youth, & Annoraak should be a fun weekend for me and music!
Other notable music news? Two Door Cinema released a new single ''Sleep Alone'' honestly, I'm not in love with it like I was with ''What you Know'' but I'm guessing they just had to decide quickly which single to release but didn't pick the best one they had maybe because it wasn't ''ready'' yet. It happens. I have faith. and I look forward to seeing them at teh Riv in October (9th to be exact) but I'm torn, that's the same day as my beloved Norah Jones! Decisions decisions!
After much encouragement from friends &colleagues I've decided to create a place that I can share my favorite new artists, upcoming concert dates, and my own musical predictions. Really this is designed to help people who hate Top 40 radio, are tired of the songs they grew up with and want to hear something new!I hope that even if you have a bad day, some posting on here can make you smile, I truly believe music heals all & maybe you'll be amused by my witty commentary:)
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Pitchfork Sunday Highlights
Pitchfork 2012 Sunday was a hot one to put it mildly!
I arrived around 4pm (later than the previous day) to meet up with some friends and chat since the only bands I really wanted to see were the main acts (Beach House & Vampire Weekend) anything else was a bonus.
The Men were definitely worth checking out. feel good, upbeat and nostaglic of the early 9O's circa Blues Traveler or a mix of that and what the new Gaslight Anthem album sounds like. Fans were digging it and talking about the set all around me while drinking beer under a shaded tree
By the time Beach House set started around 7:10pm it had cooled down drastically. The sun set and I was lying on a blanket talking to a new friend about our latest musical obsessions and muching on some snacks. (Note to self, food at festivals runs out at the end of the day, and unless you want to purchase a gross vegan gyro for $7) try to hide something small in your purse! (I learned that lesson the hard way!) But my new friend was gracious enough to share a cookie and I was golden.
The stage itself was beautiful, ethereal lights, black and white dotted set (as per the Myth cover art) and it was just ''chilllll'' exactly what everyone needed at that moment, some fans might have preferred a livelier energy but those fans could easily go see the Fields(electronica set) at the next stage over.
It got significantly darker outside and Vampire Weekend was set to go on in about 10 minutes. Much to my surprise people started leaving before the set even began! I guess the 2 years stint since Contra released left fans unwanting for more. (They in fact didn't play any new material) and after awhile I was bored so I left with my friends. Although they did play "'Diplomat's Son'' which was my favorite. The ''mini'' pitchfork fans or kids under the age of 10 seemed to really enjoy them. I saw the cutest little redhead girl with Ray Bans, a bow, and a plastic wand that lit up. I took a picture (which I'll add later or you can see my facebook page)
I was disappointed in the band/set itself but the energy despite their best efforts was low. Whether that was the fault of the band or just end of day fatigue I'm not sure. I am hopeful that their next album will mix it up and won't just be ''vacation music'' the band needs to evolve to keep up the pace with all the new independent, experimental, & eager musicans who are still making a name for themselves. Not so long ago Vampire Weekend were in that catagory, but classic example of how a band can dlose their passion and drive for the art and become ''too mainstream''!
The end:)
I arrived around 4pm (later than the previous day) to meet up with some friends and chat since the only bands I really wanted to see were the main acts (Beach House & Vampire Weekend) anything else was a bonus.
The Men were definitely worth checking out. feel good, upbeat and nostaglic of the early 9O's circa Blues Traveler or a mix of that and what the new Gaslight Anthem album sounds like. Fans were digging it and talking about the set all around me while drinking beer under a shaded tree
By the time Beach House set started around 7:10pm it had cooled down drastically. The sun set and I was lying on a blanket talking to a new friend about our latest musical obsessions and muching on some snacks. (Note to self, food at festivals runs out at the end of the day, and unless you want to purchase a gross vegan gyro for $7) try to hide something small in your purse! (I learned that lesson the hard way!) But my new friend was gracious enough to share a cookie and I was golden.
The stage itself was beautiful, ethereal lights, black and white dotted set (as per the Myth cover art) and it was just ''chilllll'' exactly what everyone needed at that moment, some fans might have preferred a livelier energy but those fans could easily go see the Fields(electronica set) at the next stage over.
It got significantly darker outside and Vampire Weekend was set to go on in about 10 minutes. Much to my surprise people started leaving before the set even began! I guess the 2 years stint since Contra released left fans unwanting for more. (They in fact didn't play any new material) and after awhile I was bored so I left with my friends. Although they did play "'Diplomat's Son'' which was my favorite. The ''mini'' pitchfork fans or kids under the age of 10 seemed to really enjoy them. I saw the cutest little redhead girl with Ray Bans, a bow, and a plastic wand that lit up. I took a picture (which I'll add later or you can see my facebook page)
I was disappointed in the band/set itself but the energy despite their best efforts was low. Whether that was the fault of the band or just end of day fatigue I'm not sure. I am hopeful that their next album will mix it up and won't just be ''vacation music'' the band needs to evolve to keep up the pace with all the new independent, experimental, & eager musicans who are still making a name for themselves. Not so long ago Vampire Weekend were in that catagory, but classic example of how a band can dlose their passion and drive for the art and become ''too mainstream''!
The end:)
Pitchfork Saturday Highlights
I went to Pitchfork Music festival 2 weeks ago, (I know I'm late to report) Upon arrival Saturday morning it started to pour!
Dozens & dozens of fans came unprepared buying ponchos from street vendors, an umbrella and sunscreen come standard in my kit of emergency tools for outdoor festivals.
For those of you who have never been to Pitchfork there are 3 stages right in the center of the park (Blue, Red & Green) the vendors (jewelery, records, hand painted posters, food, books) *(all of my personal favorite things) were in the back. They were even giving out free sunglasses and VitaCoco compliments of Cushee a footwear company.
I eagerly awaited the rain to cease so that Cults could come out and play. Brian 1/2 of the duo came out and was tuning guitars greeting fans, and then the main event. Madeline and Brian started to play. I saw them open for Foster the People last fall and while I was a huge fan, her voice was so quiet it was hard to hear (and we were in the first 6 rows!) so I was very wary of how they were going to translate on a larger festival scale.
Much to my surprise they killed it, everyone was dancing and singing along the one thing that surprised me was the diversity of the fans, (any one of them could've been taken right out of an Urban Outfitters catalogue. I felt kind of wonky in comparison with my Disney tinkerbell cropped tank and pink Converse) but once I spoke to a few strangers I fit right in:) That's the beauty of music, it includes not excludes people and brings strangers from all walks of life together singing in unison (*enter hippie acoustic version of Kum Bai Ya*) lol
The next notable band was Wild Flag (a girl band comprised of members of Sleater Kinney) I think they get a bad rap from the younger crowd who only see them as '' older broads past their prime rocking out in a band''--Some variation of this quote was heard by a friend on the train. I thought they sounded great, lots of energy and the guitarist did the trick of playing over her head. I liked it best when the girls just jammed without any vocals. I could've listened to that all day. They brought a sound that seemed authetic and retro at the same time.
Save the best for last-- SLEIGH BELLS stole the entire day! they were everything I expected and more, shredded guitars, heavy beats, and angelic vocals. Allison came out in her standard jean shorts fish nets, leather jacket and white tank top. To say she is charming and engaging with the crowd would be an understatement. It was hard to see I had to watch most of the show from the projected screen but the beats were undeniable I had to dance!--- Let me stress the fact that during shows I'm not much of a dancer I'm comfortable head bobbing or swaying from side to side but at this show I WAS dancing my ass off! Zumba can kiss it! by the end of the set I was drenched and felt great. There was a couple easily in their fifties with their lawn chairs that I was standing by and they were dancing and partying as much as the younger people. Even though I had most of their songs already on my Itunes I went home and made sure they were on my IPod, anytime I hear them it takes me back to how much fun I had and how just for a moment I didn't think about anything but the music. (I had an extremely rough work week) and in that moment for that day I just allowed myself to be consumed by everything that I loved. I just felt lucky.
Sleigh Bells are a must see!
Dozens & dozens of fans came unprepared buying ponchos from street vendors, an umbrella and sunscreen come standard in my kit of emergency tools for outdoor festivals.
For those of you who have never been to Pitchfork there are 3 stages right in the center of the park (Blue, Red & Green) the vendors (jewelery, records, hand painted posters, food, books) *(all of my personal favorite things) were in the back. They were even giving out free sunglasses and VitaCoco compliments of Cushee a footwear company.
I eagerly awaited the rain to cease so that Cults could come out and play. Brian 1/2 of the duo came out and was tuning guitars greeting fans, and then the main event. Madeline and Brian started to play. I saw them open for Foster the People last fall and while I was a huge fan, her voice was so quiet it was hard to hear (and we were in the first 6 rows!) so I was very wary of how they were going to translate on a larger festival scale.
Much to my surprise they killed it, everyone was dancing and singing along the one thing that surprised me was the diversity of the fans, (any one of them could've been taken right out of an Urban Outfitters catalogue. I felt kind of wonky in comparison with my Disney tinkerbell cropped tank and pink Converse) but once I spoke to a few strangers I fit right in:) That's the beauty of music, it includes not excludes people and brings strangers from all walks of life together singing in unison (*enter hippie acoustic version of Kum Bai Ya*) lol
The next notable band was Wild Flag (a girl band comprised of members of Sleater Kinney) I think they get a bad rap from the younger crowd who only see them as '' older broads past their prime rocking out in a band''--Some variation of this quote was heard by a friend on the train. I thought they sounded great, lots of energy and the guitarist did the trick of playing over her head. I liked it best when the girls just jammed without any vocals. I could've listened to that all day. They brought a sound that seemed authetic and retro at the same time.
Save the best for last-- SLEIGH BELLS stole the entire day! they were everything I expected and more, shredded guitars, heavy beats, and angelic vocals. Allison came out in her standard jean shorts fish nets, leather jacket and white tank top. To say she is charming and engaging with the crowd would be an understatement. It was hard to see I had to watch most of the show from the projected screen but the beats were undeniable I had to dance!--- Let me stress the fact that during shows I'm not much of a dancer I'm comfortable head bobbing or swaying from side to side but at this show I WAS dancing my ass off! Zumba can kiss it! by the end of the set I was drenched and felt great. There was a couple easily in their fifties with their lawn chairs that I was standing by and they were dancing and partying as much as the younger people. Even though I had most of their songs already on my Itunes I went home and made sure they were on my IPod, anytime I hear them it takes me back to how much fun I had and how just for a moment I didn't think about anything but the music. (I had an extremely rough work week) and in that moment for that day I just allowed myself to be consumed by everything that I loved. I just felt lucky.
Sleigh Bells are a must see!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Fiona Apple at the Chicago Theater
Okay so I was a bit distracted but Fiona Apple's show 7/10/12 was in a few words: dynamic, raw, and exposed.
When I read the interview Fiona did with Spin (mentioned a few posts ago) I felt like I knew her, but I wondered how this energy and persona would translate on stage, would she be manic? sullen? controlled? contrived? would the performance be genius? Would she play any of her old songs or would she be one of those ''I'm moving on'' artists?
I couldn't take my eyes off of her she seemed to transform into a different persona with each song, so unpredictable from her vocal choices from a whisper to an animalistic growl and ethereal dance moves. to the variety of songs on the setlist. See below compliments of Setlistfm
Fiona's tiny but definitely toned and fit physique it was hard to imagine such a big voice coming from such a small person. I couldn't wait to see what she would do next.
Her songs are definitely emotional and her lyrics leave her exposed from her own personal flaws maybe a bit impulsive or self distructive or feeling of isolation or the highs and lows of a relationship. I can relate most to the song ''Daredevil'' how people can be the source of their own undoing and as much as they try to avoid a wreck something inside just refuses to walk the other way. She phrases things poetically, and eloquently that it leads me to believe that even if she didn't choose the path of a singer her words could've easily translated into another medium that demands attention.
Fiona is a performer that feeds off of her emotions. From pounding the piano keys in a fit of rage, to simply standing alone a the microphone cooing. The audience can tell that the song lyrics are of her own and they have very real and deep meaning to her. She's constantly in the moment taking herself back to the time in which the words were written with little regard to any distractions around her.
Especially on ''Anything We Want'' Get Gone''
Her execution of ''Extraordinary Machine'' was playful and charming in contrast with her angst and rage fans fell in love with her many different personas. Her fans are absolutely enamored of her not a whole song could go by without multiple chants of encouragement from the crowd. I do know some of her lyrics but the crowd as a whole sang along with every line. I'm lucky to be included with such dedicated fans and to share in the many joys and sorrows, and the different sides of the most dynamic and touching performer I've ever seen.
Well done Fiona. Easily best performance I've seen since Bon Iver in January :)
When I read the interview Fiona did with Spin (mentioned a few posts ago) I felt like I knew her, but I wondered how this energy and persona would translate on stage, would she be manic? sullen? controlled? contrived? would the performance be genius? Would she play any of her old songs or would she be one of those ''I'm moving on'' artists?
I couldn't take my eyes off of her she seemed to transform into a different persona with each song, so unpredictable from her vocal choices from a whisper to an animalistic growl and ethereal dance moves. to the variety of songs on the setlist. See below compliments of Setlistfm
Fiona's tiny but definitely toned and fit physique it was hard to imagine such a big voice coming from such a small person. I couldn't wait to see what she would do next.
Her songs are definitely emotional and her lyrics leave her exposed from her own personal flaws maybe a bit impulsive or self distructive or feeling of isolation or the highs and lows of a relationship. I can relate most to the song ''Daredevil'' how people can be the source of their own undoing and as much as they try to avoid a wreck something inside just refuses to walk the other way. She phrases things poetically, and eloquently that it leads me to believe that even if she didn't choose the path of a singer her words could've easily translated into another medium that demands attention.
Fiona is a performer that feeds off of her emotions. From pounding the piano keys in a fit of rage, to simply standing alone a the microphone cooing. The audience can tell that the song lyrics are of her own and they have very real and deep meaning to her. She's constantly in the moment taking herself back to the time in which the words were written with little regard to any distractions around her.
Especially on ''Anything We Want'' Get Gone''
Her execution of ''Extraordinary Machine'' was playful and charming in contrast with her angst and rage fans fell in love with her many different personas. Her fans are absolutely enamored of her not a whole song could go by without multiple chants of encouragement from the crowd. I do know some of her lyrics but the crowd as a whole sang along with every line. I'm lucky to be included with such dedicated fans and to share in the many joys and sorrows, and the different sides of the most dynamic and touching performer I've ever seen.
Well done Fiona. Easily best performance I've seen since Bon Iver in January :)
Monday, July 9, 2012
A little bit of everything
Xaphoon Jones did a remix of the Weeknd Ellie Goulding that I loved! and now he's done it again with my favorite songs Atlas Genius ''Trojans''
New Band Papa '' Aint it So''
Favorite new artist: Lianne La Havas (saw her when she opened for Bon Iver) & Prince is a big fan so I guess it confirmed,she's the real deal
My new theme song compliments of Marina & the Diamonds
Next up.. reporting on Grafitti6 album I haven't listened to the whole thing but I'm a fan its smooth and catchy good summer music!
Fiona Apple tomorrow! So excited!!
New Band Papa '' Aint it So''
Favorite new artist: Lianne La Havas (saw her when she opened for Bon Iver) & Prince is a big fan so I guess it confirmed,she's the real deal
My new theme song compliments of Marina & the Diamonds
Next up.. reporting on Grafitti6 album I haven't listened to the whole thing but I'm a fan its smooth and catchy good summer music!
Fiona Apple tomorrow! So excited!!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy Independence Day!
So lucky and happy that I live in the country I do, but I'm definitely appreciative of all the new people I've met all over the world through this blog and music applications.
My buddy and I are working on a collaboration playlist so very much looking forward to sharing it.
To hold everyone over until then here is a mashup of what I've been listening to lately. (You need to have spotify to open). I can't take full credit for all of this alot of it was sent to me by various music fans. So thank you guys! You haven't let me down yet!
Upcoming shows:
Fiona Apple @ Chicago Theater 7/10
Best Coast July 27th at the Vic
the Drive Soundtrack Tour feat College & Annorak @ Lincoln Hall 7/28
Attendance for me is still pending on the last two but I do want to go! (Just hoping for weather under 100 degrees if this is what it's going to be like for Lolla. I'm going to need some serious training/adjustment.)
My buddy and I are working on a collaboration playlist so very much looking forward to sharing it.
To hold everyone over until then here is a mashup of what I've been listening to lately. (You need to have spotify to open). I can't take full credit for all of this alot of it was sent to me by various music fans. So thank you guys! You haven't let me down yet!
Upcoming shows:
Fiona Apple @ Chicago Theater 7/10
Best Coast July 27th at the Vic
the Drive Soundtrack Tour feat College & Annorak @ Lincoln Hall 7/28
Attendance for me is still pending on the last two but I do want to go! (Just hoping for weather under 100 degrees if this is what it's going to be like for Lolla. I'm going to need some serious training/adjustment.)
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